Kidney stone one of the most painful medical conditions. It is a solid piece like material occur in kidney. Most kidney stones pass out of the body without help from a doctor. But sometimes they will stuck in urine trect. If kidney stone girls more than 0.2 inch it can block the Ureter
Which can leads the pain of lower back. It must maintain an quality amount of water in the urine to dissolve all the removed waste products.
Which can leads the pain of lower back. It must maintain an quality amount of water in the urine to dissolve all the removed waste products.
• Pink, red and brown urine.
• Pain on the discharge of urine from the body.
• A feeling of sickness and vomiting.
• Cloudy smelling urine.
• Persistent need to urinate.
• Severe pain in the side and back.
• Pain that comes in waves and fluctuates in intensity.
• Fever and chills if an infection is present.
• Pain that radiates to the lower abdomen and groin.
• Urinating small amounts.
• Urinating more often than usual.
• Getting tired for no reason.
• Sudden weight loss is one of the kidney stones.
• Itching without relief then high change in your body showing kidney pain it can be one symptom of kidney stone.
• Feeling illness for nothing.
✓ Drink more water it is earliest way of to prevent the kidney stones.
✓ Eat less sodium food like chips and crackers.
✓ Eat more oxalate-rich foods like spinach and sweet potatoes.
✓ Take lemon juice this will break down the calcium deposits.
✓ Pomegranate juice will also help to prevent kidney stones.
✓ We should avoid salt, alcohol and sugar to prevent kidney stone.
✓ Brown rice, onions, melons, pumpkin seeds, whole grains and Broccoli these are some foods which helps to prevent kidney stones.
✓ This are about kidney stones and it treatment.
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