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A Deficiency disease caused by a lack of nicotinic acid or its precursor tryptophan in the diet. Pellagra is characterized by skin lesions and by gastrointestinal and neurological disturbances; the so-called classical four DS of pellagra are  dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia, and death.
There are two main types of pellagra, primary and secondary. Primary pellagra is due to a diet that does not contain enough niacin and tryptophan. Secondary pellagra is due to a poor ability to use the niacin within the diet. But Without treatment death may occur.

• Weakness
• Mental confusion or aggression
• Paralysis of extremities, nerve damaged.
• Diarrhea
• Weakened heart
• Eventually dementia
• Dermatitis (characteristic "broad collar" rash known as Casal collar)
• Hair loss ( losing hair )
• Swellings
• Sensitivity to sunlight
• Smooth, beefy red glossitis (tongue inflammation)
• Trouble sleeping

✓ If we  untreated, pellagra can kill within four or five years. 
✓ A change in medications for health problems such as HIV.
✓ Assistance quitting drug or alcohol dependency.
✓ Skin lotions, creams or oils.
✓ Liquid or semisolid diet for people with difficulty eating due to mucous membrane irritation.
✓ Spinach is Rich in  calcium and iron. It can improvement the symptoms of pellagra
✓ Antimicrobial ointments to help fight skin infection.
✓ Proper rest should be take by the patients to avoid development.
✓ Sunscreen and sun protection.
✓ Referral to a psychologist or neurologist for other complications.


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