It is one of the largest fruit in the world, The jackfruit tree is well suited to tropical lowlands, Jackfruit is commonly used in South and Southeast Asian cuisines. A mature jackfruit tree can produce about 100 to 200 fruits in a year. They are quite commonly used in curry in India in the form of a traditional lentil and vegetable mix curry. After roasting, the seeds may be used as a commercial alternative to chocolate aroma. It is the state fruit of the Indian states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu along with mango and banana.
• Jackfruit consumption is not recommended for blood related disorders
• Diabetic should take Limited amount of jackfruit.
• They are not recommended for britch pollen allergies.
• It might cause dowsiness(a feeling of being sleepy and lethargic or sleepiness)
• It is best to avoid for pregnancy ladies consuming jackfruit.
✓ Jackfruit contains vitamin A which is good for eyes and it can prevent night blindness.
✓ Jackfruit provides relief who are suffering from asthma.
✓ It loaded with carbohydrates and colarie .
✓ It is a rich source of simple sugar like sucrose and fructose that can give instant energy to our body.
✓ Immunity power can protect us from in the common diseases like flu , cough and cold.
✓ This contains zero cholesterol that make it healthy and safe.
✓ Jackfruit seeds contains good amount of protein.
✓ This fruit can aid healthy blood circulation which by promote hair growth.
✓ Antioxidants in jack fruit can protect from free radicals.
✓ It can destroy the slow down the ageing process.
✓ Jackfruit can keeps the thyroid healthy.
✓ It can give relief from constipation.
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