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It is an mental disorder which is related to the nuro developmental type. In this case the difficulty controlling behavior which is not appropriate for a person's age. Symptoms appear before a person is twelve years old, are present for more than six months and cause some problems. If chlidren pay attention to it they perform poor. It cause impairment, particularly in new morden society. It may have additional problems like sleep.

~ Daydreaming and in a world of her own.
~ Takes time to process information and directions  seems like she doesn't hear you.
~ Looks to be making careless mistakes .
~ Poor time management.
~  Always has lots to say, but is not good at listening.
~ Exaggerated emotional responses.
~ Difficulty maintaining focus; easily distracted.
~ Shifting focus from one activity to another.
~ Disorganized and messy
~ Forgetful
~ Problems completing tasks.
~ Doesn’t seem motivated.
~ Doesn’t appear to be trying.
~ Seems shy.
~ Appears withdrawn.
~ Cries easily
~ Might often slam her doors shut.
~ Seems to get easily upset.
~ Highly sensitive to noise, fabrics, and emotions.


✓ Several essential oil can be used ADAH natural treatment. The Vetiver and Cedarwood they are both very essential improve for focus and calming children ADHD.
✓ Rhodiola rosea it is a golden root is used traditionally in Chinese medicine to promote the physical and cognitive health. It can used as alternative treatment.
✓ B vitamin aid is formation in serotonin. Serotonin it will help regulate mood. Both adults and children need more vitamin B to stablize there mood.


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