Tomato in a edible vegetable often red. This price Species is from Western Southern America. It will consumed in diverse ways, raw or cooked, in many dishes, sauces and salads.Tomato plants typically grow to 1–3 meters in height. Tomato can prevent the cancer because it contains the chemical name as lycopene which comes from fresh tomato juice.
• Tomatoes can cause some issue like muscles aches, acidic flux Effects of intolerance.
• It contains lycopene that is same in most cases but during pregnancy supplement are not good.
• Lycopene should use that patients cationusly who have stomach issue.
• The compound can also contains low BP.
• They are highly acidic which leads to heartburn.
• People who are suffering severe kidney issues should take in limit because it contains lot of water.
• If someone is suffering from diarrhea should avoid eating tomato.
• More amount of taking tomato can leads to allergies and some type of infections.
• Acidic food like tomato can cause urinary problems.
• Respiratory problems can occur by taking this tomato.
✓ Tomato contains calcium and vitamin K which maintain bones strongly.
✓ It contains some acids which try to protect the smoked lungs.
✓ If you are taking tomatoes normally then you are safe side.
✓ Because it contains the vitamin B and potassium it reduce the cholesterol levels.
✓ And it reduce the Blood pressure which to prevent heart attacks and strokes.
✓ Tomato contain vitamin A which helps to keep the hair strong and shiny.
✓ People's should add tomatoes with no seeds to there diet which will reduce the risk of kidney stone.
✓ Vitamin A which contains by tomatoes will improve the eye vision and prevent the night blindness.
✓ It is packed with chromium minerals which will helps to control Diabetes and blood sugar levels.
✓ If tomatoes will taken in our regular diet that can reverse aging and whitening the skin.
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