Radish is rooted vegetable which is juice and sweet in taste. This vegetable of the Brassicaceae family. It is from Europe before Roman's time. It is one of the vegetable which grown and consume in the world more as salad's. If you left radish underground one more time it will spicy also. Varieties of radish are now broadly distributed around the world.
• If we take more amount of radish the dehydration may take place.
• It leads to urine problems also.
• Pregnant ladies should avoid radish.
• Radish consumption can also leads to low BP if we take it in more amount.
• It can suitmulate the production of urine.
• They are not good for kidney if we take more.
• It contains iron but too much is not healthy for our body.
• Radish which are raw they are not good for thyroid.
• Too much of fiber also bad for our body.
✓ Radish are good for our diet. But it also improve immune system.
✓ They are beneficial for our liver.
✓ They have been connection to treat so many cancer diseases.
✓ They contains high fiber which will fight from constipation.
✓ It can also helps to regulate adsorption of sugar from body.
✓ Properties of radish can treat the leucoderma.
✓ Radish are very good for preventing illness.
✓ It can protect from respiratory system.
✓ It is positively connected to reduce Blood pressure.
✓ It also reduce the weight of the body
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