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It bears an edible juicy fruit called a peach. A round stone fruit with juicy yellow flesh and downy pinkish-yellow skin. a deciduous tree natives to the region of Northwest China. It is also found elsewhere in Western Asia in ancient times. Peaches are not only a popular fruit, but are symbolic in many cultural traditions, such as in art, paintings and folk tales. There are two difference types in peach freestone and clingstone.

BENEFITS OF PEACH FRUIT:-                                                         
• Vitamin A is vital for the health of retina and its deficiency can cause weak eye sight.  Eating peace in a good amount it good for eyes.
• It is good for our teeth also contain some amount of calcium and fluoride that can prevent dental issues.
• Due to it contains low in calories and fat free which can reduce.
• Because of it containing natural sugar this won't rise the blood sugar levels.
• For formation of red blood cells Iron is required.
• Anemia which occurs due to iron deficiency this can prevent it.
• Potassium and electrolyte can regulates blood pressure and maintains fluid balance.
• Control's your heart rate and providing protection against stroke.
• It is good in healing rapiers consumption of peach regularly or in a good amount it will improve immune system.
• If this fruit inculded in in your meals can make you slim by burning extra fat.
• Peach fruit will keep your heart healthy because it is rich in vitamin K and iron.
• Vitamin K provides a protection against several heart diseases and prevent blood clotting.
• Due to having good amount of antioxidants and vitamins it can make hair healthy and provide protection to hair loss.
• It is against infections and helps to eliminate harmful free radicals that cause certain cancers. 


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