• Cholesterol is a substance like a fat present normally in the every cell of the body.
• It not bad. In fact, our body needs it to build cells. But too much cholesterol can create a problem.
• For some people, this adding production means they go from a normal cholesterol level to one that’s unhealthy.
• A human male weighing 68 kg (150 lb) normally synthesizes about 1 gram (1,000 mg) per day, and his body contains about 35 g, mostly contained within the cell membranes and Typical daily cholesterol dietary intake for a man in the United States is 307 mg.
• Cholesterol is recycles in the body. The liver excretes it in a non-esterified form (via bile) into the digestive tract. Typically, about 95% of the excreted cholesterol is reabsorbed by the small intestine back into the bloodstream
✓ Drugs don’t treat the underlying causes of cholesterol.
✓ Not all cholesterol is created equal. Some of the waxy, fatty stuff circulating in our blood actually helps our bodies out, while other forms of cholesterol can lead to deadly heart disease and strokes.
✓ Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is known as the bad-guy cholesterol, because it can build up at inside your blood vessels, making it hard for blood to circulate efficiently. If too much LDL cholesterol builds up, it can form clots.
✓ But there is a good-guy type of cholesterol, too. This is called high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and it's good because it binds itself to doses of cholesterol in our blood and carries the surplus out to the liver.
✓ It's important to maintain good LDL-to-HDL cholesterol ratios in the bloodstream because high LDL cholesterol can kill. While you should aim to keep your "bad" cholesterol number below 100 milligrams of cholesterol per deciliter of blood (mg/dL).
✓ It's also important to keep the "good" cholesterol in the body above 40 mg/dL. In fact, some studies have shown that people without enough of the "good" cholesterol can increase theirs risk of early death.
✓ Making cholesterol lowering foods are vegetables, nuts, green tea, Olivia oil, turmeric and sweet potato.
✓ Avoiding foods for cholesterol are processed food and meat, low quality animals product , vegetables oil and refined grains.
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